If you want to streamline your Mylio Photos workflow, keyboard shortcuts are a great way to save time on specific tasks. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of all available keyboard shortcuts in Mylio Photos.

Key Modifier Modifier Function
A QuickReview – Advance to Previous Photo X X X
A ctrl command Select – All X X X
A shift shift Add to Album X X X
A ctrl + shift command + shift Select – None X X X
B Mylio Clipboard – Add to X X X
B shift shift Mylio Clipboard – Add to with Auto Advance X X X
B alt option Mylio Clipboard – Clear X X X
C Crop X X X
C ctrl command Copy X X
C alt option Set Cover Photo X X X
C ctrl + alt command + option Console X X X
C ctrl + shift command + shift Copy Edits X X X
C ctrl + shift + alt command + shift + alt Categories – open X X X
D QuickReview – Advance to Next Photo X X X
D ctrl command Duplicate Photo X X X
E QuickReview – Rotate Right 90° X X X
E ctrl command Edit in Single Photo View X X X
E ctrl + shift command + shift Export X X X
E ctrl + shift + alt command + shift + option Export using last settings X X
F Open QuickFilters X X X
F ctrl command Open Find X X X
F shift shift Full Screen Single Photo View (Chromeless) X X X
F alt File Menu X
F cmd + shift Full Screen X
F Fn Full Screen X
F ctrl + alt command + option Dynamic Search X X X
G Grid View X X X
G ctrl + shift command + shift Annotation – GPS (show/hide) X X X
H Brush – show/hide anchor X X X
H ctrl + shift command + shift Annotation – Rating (show/hide) X X X
I Open Info Panel X X X
I ctrl command Invert Image X X X
I shift shift IPTC – Enter Metadata X X X
I ctrl + shift command + shift Add Media (Import) X X X
J Clipping Warning (show/hide) X X X
K ctrl command Mylio Clipboard – Add to X X X
K shift shift Keywords – Enter Metadata X X
M command Minimize Window X
M shift shift Move to Folder X X X
M alt option More (show/hide menu) X X X
N Navigation (show/hide) X X X
N ctrl + shift command + shift New – Folder, Event, Album or Person X X X
N alt + shift option + shift New with Selection – Folder or Event X X X
O Brush – show/hide overlay X X X
O ctrl command Open – in last used external editor X X
P Flag – Pick X X X
P ctrl command Print X X X
P shift shift Flag – Pick with Auto Advance X X X
P ctrl + shift command + shift Print – Page Setup X X X
Q QuickReview – Rotate Left 90° X X X
Q command Quit X
Q alt option QuickReview – Open X X X
R Rotate – Angle X X X
R ctrl + shift command + shift Show in Explorer/Finder X X
S QuickReview – Flag as Reject X X X
S ctrl + shift command + shift Save Metadata to File X X
S ctrl + alt command + option Share X X X
T ctrl command Face Tagging (show/hide) X X X
T ctrl + shift command + shift Reset All Ignored Faces X X X
U Flag – Unflagged X X X
U ctrl command AutoEnhance X X X
U shift shift Flag – Unflagged with Auto Advance X X X
V ctrl command Paste X X
V shift shift Show all media in Folder/Show as Container X X X
V ctrl + shift command + shift Paste Edits X X X
W QuickReview – Flag as Pick X X X
X Crop – Toggle between landscape & portrait orientation X X X
X Flag – Reject X X X
X shift shift Flag – Reject with Auto Advance X X X
X alt Exit X
Y ctrl Redo X
Z Zoom to 100% (toggle) X X X
Z ctrl command Undo X X X
Z ctrl + shift command + shift Redo X X X
Z shift shift Zoom to 100% (toggle) X X X
1 Rating – 1 Star X X X
1 Face Tagging – Select 1st Name From List X X X
1 ctrl command View – All Photos X X X
1 shift shift Rating – 1 Star with Auto Advance X X X
1 alt option Info Panel (show/hide) X X X
2 Rating – 2 Star X X X
2 Face Tagging – Select 2nd Name From List X X X
2 ctrl command View – Calendar X X X
2 shift shift Rating – 2 Star with Auto Advance X X X
2 alt option Edit Panel (show/hide) X X X
3 Rating – 3 Star X X X
3 Face Tagging – Select 3rd Name From List X X X
3 ctrl command View – Map X X X
3 shift shift Rating – 3 Star with Auto Advance X X X
3 alt option Sync Panel (show/hide) X X X
4 Rating – 4 Star X X X
4 Face Tagging – Select 4th Name From List X X X
4 ctrl command View – People X X X
4 shift shift Rating – 4 Star with Auto Advance X X X
5 Rating – 5 Star X X X
5 Face Tagging – Select 5th Name From List X X X
5 ctrl command View – Albums X X X
5 shift shift Rating – 5 Star with Auto Advance X X X
6 Color Label – Red X X X
6 ctrl command View – Folders X X X
6 shift shift Color Label – Red with Auto Advance X X X
7 Color Label – Yellow X X X
7 ctrl command View – Dashboard X X X
7 shift shift Color Label – Yellow with Auto Advance X X X
8 Color Label – Green X X X
8 ctrl command View – Last Media Added X X X
8 shift shift Color Label – Green with Auto Advance X X X
9 Color Label – Blue X X X
9 ctrl command View – Dynamic Search X X X
9 shift shift Color Label – Blue with Auto Advance X X X
0 Color Label – Purple X X X
0 ctrl command Faces – Ignore Untagged X X X
0 shift shift Color Label – Purple with Auto Advance X X X
F2 Rename – Media, Folder, Album, or Person X
F4 Close Mylio Photos X
F6 Filmstrip (show/hide) X X
F7 Left Panel (show/hide) X X
F8 Right Panel (show/hide) X X
F9 Mylio Clipboard* (show/hide) X X
F11 Full Screen X
delete Delete (or Remove from Album) X X X
delete shift shift Delete from Album X X X
delete alt option Flag – Reject X X X
esc Back (return to previous view) X X X
space Slideshow – Play/Pause X X X
enter or return View – Toggle between Single Photo & Grid X X X
tab Select next untagged face X X X
tab shift shift Select previous untagged face X X X
[ Brush – decrease stroke size X X X
[ QuickReview – Rotate Left 90° X X X
[ Rating – Decrease by 1 Star X X X
[ Red Eye – Decrease Radius X X X
[ ctrl command Rotate – Left 90° X X X
[ shift shift Red Eye – Decrease Sensitivity X X X
[ shift shift Rating – Decrease by 1 Star with Auto Advance X X X
] Brush – increase stroke size X X X
] QuickReview – Rotate Right 90° X X X
] Rating – Increase by 1 Star X X X
] Red Eye – Increase Radius X X X
] ctrl command Rotate – Right 90° X X X
] shift shift Red Eye – Increase Sensitivity X X X
] shift shift Rating – Increase by 1 Star with Auto Advance X X X
+ ctrl command Zoom In X X X
- Color Label – None/Remove X X X
- shift shift Color Label – None/Remove with Auto Advance X X X
- ctrl command Zoom Out X X X
. Flag – Toggle between Pick and Unflagged X X X
. shift shift Flag – Toggle between Pick and Unflagged with Auto Advance X X X
, ctrl command Settings – Open X X X
' Rating – 0 Star X X X
' shift shift Rating – 0 Star with Auto Advance X X X
/ About Mylio Photos X X X
| Show Original (unedited) X X X
or Advance to next media* (Photo, Folder, Event, Album, or Person) X X X
or ctrl command Advance to next day in the calendar X X X
or shift shift Advance to next photo with sticky zoom X X X
or alt option Advance while editing metadata X X X
Double-Click alt option Show all media in Folder X X X


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