The Top App Bar contains several icons pointing to some of Mylio Photos’ most essential tools and features.

Top App Bar on a Phone
Icon Name Description
Navigate Back Click to return to the previous folder, album, or image.
Left Panel (phone only) Show the Left Panel QuickFilters and Navigation.
Dynamic Search (phone only) Open Dynamic Search.
n/a Top Bar Title Displays information about the currently viewed media at the top of the application window.
Add Media Click to import photos, videos, and documents from your computer, external hard drive, camera, memory card, online service, and more.
Notifications Click to display completed tasks or issues you should be aware of.
Activities Click to display any processes currently running in Mylio Photos. When a process is running, the icon will be highlighted with a blue ring to show the progress of the latest activity. If there are no active processes, the ring will be grey
Devices (computer and tablet only) Click to show the Devices section of the Dashboard. At a glance, the Devices icon will display a green checkmark if your devices are in sync or blue rotating arrows showing a sync is in process, along with the number of media remaining to sync.
Dashboard (phone only) Tap the Dashboard icon to open the Dashboard where you can view Devices, check Library Stats, and more.
Help (computer and tablet only) Click to access resources for help and support.
Learn Panel (phone only) Tap to open the Learn Panel for access to help resources and technical support.
Account Click to access your Mylio Account information and manage your Mylio Photos+ Subscription.
More menu Click to access Mylio Photos’ main Settings and other options.

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