Es kann vorkommen, dass Mylio Photos nicht alle Gesichter auf einem Foto erkennt. Dies kann passieren, wenn ein Gesicht teilweise verdeckt oder verschwommen ist. In einem solchen Fall können Sie Gesichts-Markierungen manuell hinzufügen. Dies ist auch eine gute Option, um Gesichts-Tags für Haustiere oder andere nicht-menschliche Gesichter einzufügen.

  1. Öffnen Sie ein Bild in der Einzelfotoansicht.
  2. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol Gesichts-Tagging in der rechten Seitenleiste.
  3. Suchen Sie das Gesicht, das Sie markieren möchten, und klicken und halten Sie es gedrückt, bis die Aufforderung Wer ist das? erscheint.
  4. Wählen Sie einen Namen aus der Liste oder geben Sie einen Namen in das Feld *Wer ist das? ein.
    • Wenn der Name noch nicht verwendet wurde, werden Sie aufgefordert, den Vor- und Nachnamen zu bestätigen. Wenn Sie fertig sind, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Erstellen.


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Angela@Mylio schrieb: Jan 27, 2025

Hi Beat - I received your email, thanks! I forwarded your screenshots to our head of support so he can take a look. I’ll follow up as soon as I hear back.

With regard to renaming, that’s easy and can be done in the info panel.
Merging is a bit more complicated, but here are the instructions:

Beat schrieb: Jan 27, 2025

Thank you @Angela..
I've sent you an e-mamil with some samples showing the issue. One last question on this: There is no way currently to rename or merge various Fact Tags / Names that were accidentally misspelled or done more than once under different names.. It would be a great feature if renaming / merging would be added to face tags.

Angela@Mylio schrieb: Jan 23, 2025

Hi Beat - When an image is added to your Mylio Photos Library, there are several processes that occur in the background, including scanning for recognizable faces. This can take some time (it isn’t instantaneous), and if you’ve imported a large number of images recently, the scanning could still be in process, which is why you’re not seeing circles pop up on faces. I would suggest giving the app some time and then trying again later. If the faces are still not recognized, you may want to reach out to our support team via the in-app Help menu (preferred) or using the live chat option at

Beat schrieb: Jan 23, 2025

I'm on the latest version 24.5 in Mylio Desktop and an old picture I snapped with my phone having 5 people on it, isn't identified by the face scan option.. When asking to re-scan faces, I only get a white vertical bar on the side, when holding the mouse clicked on 1 face to tag it.. I remember this having worked just fine in the past .. Is this feature broken now ??? Auto-tag doesn't seem to recognize any of the 5 faces, though one of them has ample samples already tagged.

Angela@Mylio schrieb: Jan 16, 2025

Hi Carolyn - The shape of a manual face tag cannot be modified. In metadata, it just references a particular quadrant of the image, indicating that the name person (or pet) is there. Typically, I leave the Face Tagging icon in the right sidebar toggled off (so it doesn’t interfere with my regular browsing), and then only turn it on when I want to see where in a picture a specific person is.

I love the name of your cat, by the way!

Carolyn Buchanan schrieb: Jan 16, 2025

I added a face tag to my cat, Nanuk, but the square highlighting his face only covered a small part of his chin. Is there a way to create a tag that includes an entire face?