Mylio Photos’ search modifiers and advanced search expressions can help you locate specific photos by narrowing down the search results.

Search Modifiers

When a single word, such as sunset, is entered into the search field, the results will display any media that contains precisely that word in the filename, description, title, or keywords. It also searches named people and words found by optical character recognition (OCR).

You can make your search more specific by using search modifiers. The most commonly used are AND, OR, IN, NOT, “ ” and ( ). They can be used in several ways and combinations to indicate what you want to be included or excluded in your search.

Common Search Modifier Descriptions
Modifier Description
AND Finds results that have both words. For example, sunset and beach will find photos with the words sunset and beach in the filename, description, title, keywords, people, or using OCR text recognition.
OR Finds results that have either word. For example, sunset or beach will find photos with the words sunset or beach in the filename, description, title, keywords, people, or using OCR text recognition.
IN Specifies searching within places, folders, or albums. For example, sunset in California will find photos containing the word “sunset” where the image is geotagged in California (place) or is part of a folder or album named California.
NOT Excludes words from search results. For example, sunset not beach, will find photos with the word sunset that DO NOT have the word beach.
“ “ Quotation marks can be used to search for an exact phrase. For example, a search for sunset beach will look for the individual words sunset and beach. A search for “sunset beach” will search for the phrase as entered between the quotation marks.

Combining modifiers can make for powerful searches and help you find the photo you want. For example, entering Sarah and Madelaine in Alaska will return images where both Sarah and Madeline are in the photo, and the picture is geotagged with a location in Alaska. You can try this specific search if you have installed the Sample Library.

Advanced Search Expressions

If you haven’t found the media you’re looking for with common search modifiers, you may want to try using advanced search expressions in Mylio Photos. Entering a word into Mylio Photos’ search field is an expression. Expressions can be grouped or modified to customize your search results.

Common Expressions
  1. ( ) – Parentheses let you group search expressions. For example: (sunset not beach) in California will find photos that contain the word “sunset”, exclude pictures that have the word “beach” and only show those that are in a place, folder, or album named California.
  1. expression1 expression2 – Two expressions (words) specified one after the other imply an AND. For example, sunset beach will find photos with the words sunset and beach anywhere in the filename, caption, title, keywords, people, or using OCR text recognition.
  1. AND – Finds results that have both words. For example, sunset and beach will find photos with the words sunset and beach in the filename, caption, title, keywords, people, or using OCR text recognition. AND expressions can also be input as && and & (e.g. sunset & beach).
  1. OR – Finds results that have either word. For example, sunset or beach will find photos that have either the words “sunset” or “beach” in the filename, caption, title, keywords, people, or using OCR text recognition. OR expressions can also be input as | and ||. (e.g. sunset | beach)
  1. IN – Specifies searching within places, folders, or albums. For example, sunset in California will find photos containing the word “sunset” in a place, folder, or album named “California”.
  1. NOT – Excludes words from search results. For example, sunset not beach will find photos with the word “sunset” that DO NOT have the word “beach”. NOT expressions can also be input as -. (e.g. sunset - beach)
  1. Term-or-Value

Term-or-Value Expressions

Term-or-value expressions let you narrow your search to a specific type. Term is the type of item you’re looking for, and value is the name of the item you want to find. Here are a couple of examples:

  • album: Animals – “Album” is the term, and “Animals” is the value. This search would display Albums with the name Animals.
  • -make: Canon – “NOT make” is the term (- is short for NOT) and “Canon” is the value. The search would display all photos not taken by a Canon camera.

Scroll down to view the complete list of possible term-or-value expressions that can be used in Mylio Photos’ search.

Using Strings to Customize Your Search

A search string combines characters and words that make up a search query and can be further used to customize a search. In Mylio Photos, you can use punctuation (apostrophes, quotation marks, parentheses, and asterisks) to modify your search.

Custom String Search Example

As an example, we’ll search for a photo that has the following caption:

The “quick” brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Custom String Description
fox dog Two expressions (words) specified one after the other imply an AND. For example, a search for fox dog will find photos with the words “fox” and “dog” in the filename, caption, title, keywords, and people, or using OCR text recognition.
caption: fox Using the explicit search term caption: limits the search to just captions and will search the whole word. It will not match “foxtrot”, “outfox”, or “outfoxed”.
caption: =’The “quick” brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ The equals sign = tells Mylio Photos to search the caption exactly, including capitalization. Using an apostrophe ' before and after the caption allows the quotation marks in the caption to be included.
caption: ”The quick*” Adding the asterisk * at the end of the string looks for captions that start with “The quick”.
caption: ”*lazy dog” Adding the asterisk * at the start of the string looks for captions that end with “lazy dog”.
caption: *row* Using an asterisk * before and after the letters “r”, “o”, and “w” in that order will look for words, including partial spellings, so the word “brown” would be included in the search results.
caption: *ju?ps* Using a question mark ? in this way will search for captions that contain a word that starts with “ju” and any single letter, followed by “ps” so the word “jumps” would be included in the search results.
date: >2012 AND date: <2015 Using less than > and greater than < symbols are useful in specifying date ranges. When entering dates, they can be formatted as YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 2012/08/20 or 04/20/2014). You can also add a specific time using YYYY/MM/DDTHH:MM:SS (e.g. 2020/01/02T10:30:00).

Using Explicit Search Terms in Mylio Photos

Expand the list below to view all available explicit search terms that can be used in Mylio Photos.

Explicit Search Terms
Search Expression Example Description
album: text album: Landscapes Find text in Album names.
author: text author: J.C. Figueroa Find text in creator IPTC field.
cameras: text cameras: canon Find text in camera model field.
caption: text caption: sunset Find text in Caption fields.
categories: text categories: travel Find text in Categories.
color: text color: yellow Find files with specified color labels.
copyright: text copyright: J.C. Figueroa Find text in copyright IPTC field.
creator: text creator: J.C. Figueroa Find text in creator IPTC field.
date: date date: 07/20/2021 Will Search the text in the Date Created field in the Info Tab. Dates can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY
description: text description: sunset Find text in Description fields.
edited: boolean edited: true Find edited or unedited images. Boolean can be entered as true, false, on, off, etc.
ext: file extension ext: .nef Find files with a specified extension (e.g. .dng, .jpg, .cr2, _display.jpg, etc.).
facecount: number facecount: 2 Find photos with the specified number of faces detected.
file: text file: IMG_2644 Find text in the filename field.
flagged: number flagged: 1 Find media with Pick Flags 1, no Flags 0, or Reject Flags -1.
flash: boolean flash: true Find images with or without flash used.
folder: text folder: scans Find text in Folder names.
gpstagged: boolean gpstagged: no Find images with or without GPS location data. Boolean can be entered as true, false, on, off, etc.
importdate: date importdate: 04/19/2022 Will search dates from the Import Date field. Dates can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY
iso: number iso: 400 Find images captured with the specified ISO.
keyword: text keyword: lake Find text in the Keyword field.
label: text label: yellow Find files with specified color labels.
lens: text lens: tamron Find text in the lens field.
lostoriginals: boolean lostoriginals: true Will show lost originals in the Catalog. Boolean can be entered as true, false, on, off, etc.
make: text make: nikon Find text in camera make field.
model: text model: 6D Find text in camera model field.
ocr: text ocr: ninja Search only optical character recognition (OCR)
orphan: boolean orphan: yes Find photos in the catalog that do not have an assigned folder.
people: text people: Sarah Search for People’s names.
peoplecount: number peoplecount: 2 Find photos with the specified number of people tagged.
place: text place: alaska, place: "kitsap county", place: "madison street" Search the text in the Places field.
rating: number rating: 4 Find files with the specified star rating (1-5).
size: number size: <5000 Find files based on the file size in bytes or optionally add greater than > or less than < symbols. (e.g., less than 5000 bytes or 50KB)
text: text text: dolphins Search for text in all fields (filename, caption, title, keyword, OCR, etc.).
title: text title: lake Search for text in the Title field.
unprotected: boolean unprotected: true Find files that need to sync to other devices. Boolean can be entered as true, false, on, off, etc.
unsupported: boolean unsupported: yes Find files Mylio Photos does not support. Boolean can be entered as true, false, on, off, etc.
video: boolean video: true Find only video files. Boolean can be entered as true, false, on, off, etc.


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Angela@Mylio wrote: Oct 21, 2024

Hi – To find media without keywords, you can use:
NOT keyword:*

sss wrote: Oct 20, 2024

How to find photos without any keyword? Like -keyword: or keyword: false