Auto-Check is helpful when you have many duplicates to sort through. When enabled, Auto-Check will scan the duplicate files and determine the best photos and videos to keep based on the criteria you select. All other duplicates will be “checked” for removal.

  1. Click the Auto-Check button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Check the boxes next to each option you want Auto-Check to consider, then adjust the yes/no, lower/higher, etc. settings for each option. Scroll down to learn more about each Auto-Check Option.
  3. Adjust the priority of each option by grabbing the handle on the right side of the option to move it up or down. Auto-Check will give a higher priority to the items at the top of the list.
  4. When satisfied with the settings, click the Auto-Check button to mark your images.
  5. After Auto-Check is complete, you can review the suggestions and make any necessary adjustments before choosing Move Checked or Delete Checked.

Auto-Check Options

Auto-check uses the criteria below to determine which copy is best to keep. You can use some or all of the options below, specify how that option applies, and reorder them to fit your preferences.

  • Add a folder duplicates may be in – This option allows you to choose a specific folder to prioritize. Once a folder has been selected, you can choose to keep or remove duplicates that may be in this folder. Here are examples of how this option may be used:
    • You have an organized folder structure that is your main photo repository and want to ensure that images in this folder structure are NOT checked to be deleted/moved as duplicates during the DeDupe process. Select the top level of the organized folder structure, then mark this folder to keep in the Auto-check options.
    • You have a folder where sporadic backups were placed over time, and you want to ensure that any duplicates in this folder are removed from your library. Select the top-level folder of the backup location, then mark this folder to remove in the Auto-check options.
  • edited – Setting edited to YES means that if an image in a duplicate set has been edited in Mylio Photos and another is unedited, Auto-Check will prioritize the edited version and mark the unedited version(s) for removal.
  • has XMP – Setting has XMP to YES means that if an image in a duplicate set has an XMP sidecar file and another does not, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the XMP file and mark the version(s) without an XMP file for removal.
  • rating – Setting rating to higher means that if an image in a duplicate set has a 5-star rating and another has a 3-star rating, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the 5-star rating and mark the version(s) with a lower star rating (or no rating) for removal.
  • flagged – Setting flagged to YES means that if an image in a duplicate set has a flag and another does not, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the flag and mark the version(s) without a flag for removal.
  • has labels – Setting has labels to YES means that if an image in a duplicate set has a color label and another does not, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the color label and mark the version(s) without a color label for removal.
  • has keywords – Setting has keywords to YES means that if an image in a duplicate set has one or more keywords and another has none, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the keyword(s) and mark the version(s) without keywords for removal.
  • has categories – Setting has categories to YES means that if an image in a duplicate set has one or more categories and another has none, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the category(s) and mark the version(s) without categories for removal.
  • folder path – Setting folder path to shorter means that if an image in a duplicate set has a shorter folder path (meaning it is buried in fewer subfolders) and another has a longer folder path, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the shorter folder path and mark the version(s) with the longer folder path for removal.
  • camera roll – This setting refers to iOS Camera Roll or Android Media Library images. When camera roll is set to keep, Auto-Check will prioritize the version in the iOS Camera Roll or Android Media Library and mark the version(s) in other folders for removal.
  • file name does not end in: copy, -1, -2, etc. – Enabling file name does not end in: copy, -1, -2, etc. means that if an image in a duplicate set has a file name such as vacation.jpg, and another in the group has a filename modifier such as copy, -1, -2, etc. (e.g. vacation copy.jpg), Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the filename vacation.jpg and mark the version(s) that end in copy, -1, -2, etc. for removal.
  • create date – Setting create date to earlier means that if an image in a duplicate set has a creation date of May 15, 2012, and another in the group has a creation date of June 3, 2015, Auto-Check will prioritize the version with the earlier date (May 15, 2012) and mark the version(s) with the later date for removal.
  • modified time – Setting modified time to later means that if an image in a duplicate set was modified on May 15, 2012, and another in the group was modified on June 3, 2015, Auto-Check will prioritize the version that was most recently changed (June 3, 2015) and mark the version(s) with the earlier date for removal.
  • only keep one copy – For duplicate sets with more than two images, selecting only keep one copy tells Auto-Check to keep one version and mark the rest for removal.


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