Keywords are searchable words and phrases you can add to your photos to help you organize and search for them more easily. They can be added on import or manually entered in the Keywords section of the Info Panel. Keywords are saved to XMP sidecar files in an industry-standard format that most image management applications can read. Keywords can also be used in Dynamic Search and QuickFilters, providing additional methods to quickly locate photos you’ve meticulously organized.

Adding and Editing Keywords in the Info Panel

  1. Select the image(s) you want to apply keywords to.
  2. Click the info icon at the top of the right sidebar to reveal the right panel and access the Info Panel and scroll down to the Keywords section.
  • If a single photo is selected, click or tap the Keywords field to add or edit keywords. When entering multiple keywords, each keyword or keyphrase should be separated by a comma (e.g., Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica).

  • If multiple photos are selected:
    • Click or tap the Keywords field to add or edit keywords.
    • If any of the selected images have previously added or conflicting keywords, click the Edit Keywords button.

  • In the Keywords to Add field, list the keywords separated with a comma you would like to add to the group of photos.

  • If the selected images already have keywords applied, you can choose one of the following actions for each keyword:
    • Remove the keyword from all selected photos using the icon.
    • Leave the keyword “as is” using the ٭ (asterisk) icon.
    • Add the keyword to all selected photos using the icon.
  • Click the Apply button when you are finished.

Viewing Your Keyword List

Mylio Photos automatically lists all keywords used in your Mylio Photos Library. The Keyword List is accessible from the Dashboard view under Library Stats.

  1. Click the Dashboard icon  in the left sidebar.
  2. Choose Library Stats, then open the Keywords section to view all keywords.
  3. Click on a Keyword to see all photos tagged with the selected word or phrase.

Filtering by Keyword

Filtering your library by keyword is a powerful way to quickly locate specific images within your collection. The By Keyword section in QuickFilters provides an organized list of all the keywords you’ve applied to your photos, displayed in alphabetical order. By simply clicking on a keyword, you can instantly narrow down your view to include only the images tagged with that keyword.

  1. Start by clicking the funnel icon in the left sidebar.
  2. Click or tap the disclosure arrow next to By Keyword. You can also click and type into the QuickFilter search box to narrow the results.
    • As you begin to type, Mylio Photos will auto-complete possible matching QuickFilters, including keywords. Navigate using the arrow keys( or ), then click enter or return to jump to that option in the QuickFilters list.
  3. Click on the keyword to preview the results. You’ll notice a pill with the filter name in the filters bar above the left panel. If you click on another keyword in the list, it will discard the first filter and swap it for the new one. QuickFilters make it easy to experiment with different filters.
  4. Click or tap the pin icon next to the keyword to make the filter persistent. Persistent filters remain active and allow you to add additional filters from the same category for more precise results. Notice that the pill in the filters bar is filled with blue when a filter is pinned.
  5. To remove an individual filter, click the on the pill next to the filter name.
  6. To clear all filters, click the on the left side of the filters bar.


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