Occasionally, Mylio Photos may not recognize all faces in a photo. This can happen if a face is partially obscured or blurry. When that happens, you add face tags manually. This is also a great option for including face tags for pets or other non-human faces.
- Open an image in Single Photo View.
- Click the Face Tagging icon in the right sidebar.
- Locate the face you want to tag, then click and hold on the face until the Who is this? prompt appears.
- Choose a name from the list or type a name into the Who is this?.
- If the name hasn’t been used, you’ll be asked to confirm the first and last name. When you’re done, click the Create button.
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Angela@Mylio wrote: Jan 16, 2025
Hi Carolyn - The shape of a manual face tag cannot be modified. In metadata, it just references a particular quadrant of the image, indicating that the name person (or pet) is there. Typically, I leave the Face Tagging icon in the right sidebar toggled off (so it doesn’t interfere with my regular browsing), and then only turn it on when I want to see where in a picture a specific person is.
I love the name of your cat, by the way!
Carolyn Buchanan wrote: Jan 16, 2025
I added a face tag to my cat, Nanuk, but the square highlighting his face only covered a small part of his chin. Is there a way to create a tag that includes an entire face?