With Shared Albums, Mylio Photos+ subscribers can share an album as an online gallery. Images are hosted on non-indexed web pages that make it easy to share semi-privately.
When you’re ready to share an Album, Mylio Photos creates a unique link to your gallery that you can share via email, text message, or however you wish. Each shared Album stands on its own and does not have navigation between it and any other albums you may have shared, nor will it appear in any search engine. Think of it as an unlisted phone number. We also provide added functionality that allows users to report offensive or copyrighted content.
To get started, select an Album, click the Share icon and select Publish Shared Album. When an Album is being actively shared, the annotation icon on the Album cover will change from
indicating it is currently being shared on the web.
- Creating a Shared Album
- Click the Albums icon
in the left sidebar.
- Select an Album, then click the info icon
at the top of the right sidebar to reveal the right panel and access the Info Panel. ** On a phone, tap the ellipsis icon
to access the More menu and choose Info
- Scroll down to the Shared Album section and click the Publish Shared Album button.
- Click the links to read the Terms of Service and Right to Publish Content notices. If you agree to the terms, check the box next to each item, then click Continue.
- Select the options you’d like to use in the Publish Shared Album dialog. Scroll down for a description of each option.
- When you’re ready, click the Share button. Uploading your photos to your online Shared Album may take a few moments. Please do not quit Mylio Photos until the upload is complete.
- Click the Albums icon
- Inviting Others to View a Shared Album
Once your Shared Album has been published, it is time to share the link with friends and family.
- Click the info icon
at the top of the right sidebar to reveal the right panel and access the Info Panel.
- On a phone, tap the ellipsis icon
to access the More menu and choose Info
- On a phone, tap the ellipsis icon
- Scroll down to the Shared Album section.
- To invite others to view your Share Album:
- Click the Email Link button to open your default email client with the link automatically added to the body of the email.
- Click on the link to copy it, paste it into a text message social post, or use any other online messaging method to share the link with your recipients.
- Click the info icon
- Remove or Unpublish a Shared Album
Shared Albums can be removed from the web and unpublished at any time.
- Click the info icon
at the top of the right sidebar to reveal the right panel and access the Info Panel.
- On a phone, tap the ellipsis icon
to access the More menu and choose Info
- On a phone, tap the ellipsis icon
- Scroll down to the Shared Album section.
- Click the Stop Sharing button to unpublish your Shared Album from the internet. This will not remove the Album from your Mylio Photos Library.
- Click the info icon
- Shared Album Options
The Publish Shared Album dialog contains several options to customize the look and functionality of your web gallery.
Choose from Dark, Gray, White, or Cream.
Create Downloadable Archive
To make the contents of your Album available to viewers as a downloadable archive, toggle the switch next to Create Downloadable Archive to the ON position.
Apply Watermark
Adding a watermark helps a layer of protection and personal branding to your photos when sharing online. Mylio Photos offers the option to add a customizable text watermark or apply a graphic watermark to your exported and shared photos. Next to Watermark, click None and choose Text or Image. Click here to learn more about customizing your text or image watermark.
To remove all metadata from your uploaded photos, including camera EXIF, caption, keywords, ratings, copyright, IPTC, face tags, and GPS tags, toggle the switch next to SafeShare to the ON position.
Include Metadata
To manually select what metadata is included, ensure that SafeShare is in the OFF position, then click None next to Include metadata. Toggle the switch next to each metadata field you’d like to include.
- Navigating Your Shared Album
Once you’ve published your Shared Album, Optimized versions of your photos will be visible in your web browser via the link produced by Mylio Photos.
- When you load your link, you’ll see your photos presented in a grid.
- At the top of the page, under the Album title, you’ll see an option to Download All (if enabled when setting up the Shared Album).
- Click on an image to see a larger version, and view details about an image.
- At the top of the page, there are several icons:
– View information and metadata for the selected image.
– Show window in full-screen mode (click ESC on the keyboard to exit full-screen mode).
– Share the selected image on popular social media channels.
– Rotate the selected image 90 degrees to the left.
– Zoom out on the selected image.
– Zoom in on the selected image.
– Play a slideshow of all media in the Shared Album.
– Download the selected image.
– Close single image view and return to the grid.
Post your comment on this topic.
Angela@Mylio wrote: Jan 2, 2025
Hi Jennifer - There is a known issue that is slated to be fixed later this year with regard to the by date sort order in Shared Albums. The best workaround at the moment is to use the Manual sort order, arrange your Album, then re-publish it.
Jennifer Baumann wrote: Jan 1, 2025
How do you publish an album in chronological order? I have created the album. It is sorted by date - but when published it is all mixed up.