Mylio Photos makes it easy to locate your images, videos, and documents using Dynamic Search, QuickFilters, and Find. You can quickly sort photos based on specific criteria such as date, camera, file type, the person in the photo, location, and more. Even if you have hundreds of thousands of pictures, you can get to the perfect image in two to three clicks.

What is the difference between Search, Filter, and Find?

There are three different ways to locate what you want in Mylio Photos. They can work independently or together.

Dynamic Search – This is a special search view and is designed to search across your entire library at once. Enter criteria into the search box, and you’ll see different starting points such as people, folders, places, events, albums, and text that matches. This is the best way to find a starting point when you are unsure where to navigate.

QuickFilters – This is when you want to take a cluttered view and narrow it down. For example, to only see pictures with a certain person on the map or limit what shows in a folder to only four or five-star-rated pictures.

Find – This is designed when you know you’ve navigated to the correct general area but still need to find something specific. For example, you want to find a city on the map or items that match the criteria for the current folder.

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