Permanently deleting media can be necessary for a variety of reasons. Here are a few examples:

  • A photo or video is no longer needed.
  • Photos are blurry or otherwise unrecognizable.
  • You have duplicates you wish to dispose of.

Deleting Individual Files

  1. Select the image(s) you want to delete.
  2. Right-click your selection or tap the kebab icon in the right sidebar to access the Actions menu and select Photo > Delete File(s) to permanently delete the file(s) from your Mylio Photos Library and file system.

  1. Confirm that you want to permanently delete files by clicking Delete From All Devices.

Deleting a Folder (and its Contents)

When you delete a folder in Mylio Photos, the folder and its contents will be removed from your Mylio Photos Library, computer’s file system, and all Mylio Photos+ devices, including all Vaults.

  1. Click Folders icon in the left sidebar.
  2. Select a folder to delete.
  3. Right-click your selection or tap the kebab icon in the right sidebar to access the Actions menu and select Folder > Delete Folder or press the delete key on the keyboard.

  1. Confirm that you want to permanently delete files by clicking Delete From All Devices.


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Angela@Mylio wrote: Jul 22, 2024

Hi CJ - When deleting files in Mylio Photos, it will permanently delete all copies of the file that Mylio knows about. For example, Mylio Photos makes your media accessible on multiple devices. If deleted, it will no longer be available on any of your devices. If there is another copy outside the Mylio infrastructure, Mylio cannot delete it. This includes in your Apple Photos library. Importing from Apple Photos is a one-way transaction, and Mylio cannot delete files from your Apple Photos library. Here is some additional info:

CJ Stone wrote: Jul 20, 2024

I've tried various photos but whenever I delete anything off of Mylio and it will say it's permanent and will delete off my local drive but it never does. The photos will be deleted from Mylio but remain on my local drives (iphoto on my mac and other photos on my drive)