Installing Container Manager by Docker Inc. and MinIO Server

  1. Install the required disks and the DSM operating system by following the quick start guide that came with your Synology NAS. Once the NAS is running, navigate to the Package Center and install Container Manager by Docker Inc..
  2. Open the Container Manager app, and navigate to Registry. Select minio/minio.

  1. Double click minio/minio and choose the latest build.

  1. Choose Container and select Create to make your Minio server container. Select Minio, and click Next.
  2. Choose Add Folder. Select Create Folder, enter a new folder name, and click OK.

  1. Select and type /data for the mount path and click Next.

  1. Use the same network as Docker Host, and under Execution Command, type minio server /data in the Command field and click Save. Select and click Next.

  1. You now have a MinIO S3 server. Verify it is running by selecting Container and checking the status.

Creating a Bucket

  1. Open a Browser and type in your NAS IP along with 9000 as the port (e.g. to access the Minio Object Store web page.

  1. Enter the default username minioadmin and password minioadmin to access the Object Store web page.

  1. Choose Create a Bucket and enter the desired bucket name and click Create Bucket. Copy your bucket name and paste the information into a safe place (e.g., a notes app or word processing document) for later use.

Generating Access Keys

Navigate to the Access Keys section and choose Create access key. Click Create, then copy your access key and secret key and paste the information into a safe place (e.g., a notes app or word processing document) for later use.

Creating the Server Endpoint URL

Your S3 NAS private cloud can be configured for accessibility on your local area network only or enabled for access outside your local network.

Configurations using your local area network only will enable Mylio devices to sync with your private cloud while connected to your local/home network. They will not facilitate remote sync when away from your local/home network.

Making your private cloud accessible outside your local area network will enable Mylio devices to sync with your private cloud when connected to your local/home network and remotely via the internet.

Using Your Private Cloud On Your Local Area Network Only

To use your private cloud on your local area network only, your endpoint will consist of your NAS’s IP and the port and bucket name. In this example, the Endpoint URL is:
Copy your Endpoint URL and paste the information into a safe place (e.g., a notes app or word processing document) for later use.

Making Your Private Cloud Accessible Outside Your Local Area Network

  1. In the Control Panel, under External Access, select DDNS and Add to create a DDNS name. In this example, we chose Synology as our Service Provider, entered our Hostname, checked the box to Get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt and set it as default, then clicked OK.

We then see the DDNS name we created with the status Normal.

  1. In the Synology Control Panel, select Login Portal.

  1. Click on Advanced, then Reverse Proxy, then click Create on the Reverse Proxy Page. Enter values directing https traffic to local http and click Save.

  1. Copy the new URL under Source and paste the information into a safe place (e.g., a notes app or word processing document) for later use.

  1. Format your Endpoint URL using the Source URL you copied above combined with your Bucket name. (e.g.
  1. To access this URL outside your home network, you must set up port forwarding on your router. For example, External port 9043 to Internal port 9043 on your Synology NAS. (Please visit Port Forwarding for specific instructions for your router.)

Adding your Synology Personal Cloud to Mylio Photos

  1. Click the Dashboard icon  in the left sidebar.
  2. Select Devices then click or tap the ADD button at the top of the Devices section then choose Cloud Service from the Add Device dialog.
  3. Choose S3 Compatible Cloud or NAS Storage.
  4. Choose either Encrypt my files or Don’t encrypt my files. Then click the Add Cloud Drive button.
  5. Enter the Server Endpoint (URL), Access Key, and Secret Key you created above.
  6. Click the Connect button. Once the connection is complete, you’ll see a success message.
  7. Mylio Photos+ will analyze the Cloud service you choose and recommend a setup based on your Mylio Photos Library size and the available storage of the Cloud service you’re adding. In this example, Mylio Photos+ recommends that Synology NAS be set up as a Vault, which will keep a complete copy of the Mylio Photos Library.
  8. Once you’ve selected your preferred sync policy, click or tap the Looks Good button to complete the setup. Your Synology NAS will be added and visible in the Devices section of the Dashboard.


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Angela@Mylio wrote: Mar 11, 2025

Hi Celest - My best recommendation is to visit and do a search for Qnap. There are several posts from other users, and they may be helpful in setting up your NAS. If you’re unable to find a solution, please reach out to our support team directly via the in-app Help menu.

Celest wrote: Mar 10, 2025

I'm trying to set up a vault with Qnap personal cloud on my NAS. I have the server endpoint, access key, and secret key but Mylio is not connecting.